Spot on alebo spot-on


Broadline Spot-on Solution for Cats. Broadline is one-of-its-kind spot-on solution utilized for the treatment of cats with or at risk of mixed infestations of fleas and ticks, tapeworm and roundworm. It treats the prevailing flea infestations along with new infestations …

Pre malé psy a psy malých plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog M alebo Top spot on Dog L. Pre stredne veľké psy a psy stredných plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog L. Frontline Combo Spot on Dog S sol. Antiparazitná pipeta pre malého psa od 2 do 10 kg. Spot on na nakvapkanie na kožu proti blchám, kliešťom a všenkám. Ničí dospelé blchy a navyše chráni vývoju lariev bĺch v tesnom okolí psa (pelech..). Prezri si aktuálnu kolekciu ružové Spot On Zima 2020/2021 na módnom portáli

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6. 25. · English in a Minute: Put Someone on the Spot. The code has been copied to your clipboard.

He was arrested on the spot.(그는 현장에서 붙잡혔다.) 그런데 on the spot 앞에 put someone이 붙어 put someone on the spot으로 쓰일 경우에는 새로운 표현이 됩니다. 이 표현은 누군가에게 즉석에서 강요하는 것(To force someone to do something instantaneously)을 의미합니다.

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‎تحت الضوء. On the spot‎, ‎الإسكندرية (Alexandria, Egypt)‎. 13,705 likes · 54 talking about this.

Spot on alebo spot-on

All Free. spot-on adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." informal (precise, exactly right) přesný příd přídavné jméno : Označuje vlastnosti nebo vztahy podstatných jmen (např. spot on meaning: 1. exactly right: 2. exactly right: . Learn more. Find 331 ways to say on spot, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Precisely right; exact: His imitation of his boss was spot-on. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. 24 synonyms of spot-on from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 28 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for spot-on. Spot-on: being in agreement with the truth or a fact or a standard. 2 days ago · In a spot-on treatment the solution is applied directly onto the skin, and the active ingredients are absorbed from the treatment spot. Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed.

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Presne dodržujte vhodnú veľkosť balenia. Pre malé psy a psy malých plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog M alebo Top spot on Dog L. Pre stredne veľké psy a psy stredných plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog L.

Spot-on: being in agreement with the truth or a fact or a standard. 2 days ago · In a spot-on treatment the solution is applied directly onto the skin, and the active ingredients are absorbed from the treatment spot. Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed. COBUILD Key Words for the Pharmaceutical Industry. ‘The writing is spot on, with characters, situations and dialogue that are, unfortunately, all too believable.’ ‘The writers and directors have got it spot on in Series Three.’ ‘I have family from the area in which the film was shot and the way of speaking the characters adopted was spot on.’ spot on Exactly right; perfectly accurate. Often hyphenated when used before a noun.

Pre mačky choré alebo vystavené riziku zmiešaných parazitárnych infekcií, vyvolaných oblými červami nasledujúcich druhov: Oblé červy (nematódy): Toxocara 

Hyphenated if used before a noun. My boss grilled me about the mix-up in the report, making me explain the whole thing right there on the spot. When she found out he'd cheated on her, Sam broke up with Tommy on the spot. I'm no good at making on-the-spot decisions like this Najväčšia invázia kliešťov je v marca a apríli, v suchom lete trocha ustúpi a opäť sa zvyšuje na jeseň. Invázia komárov je najvyššia v letnej sezóne. Blchy vyhľadávajú psy a mačky po celý rok. Preto sa odporúča od jari do zimy chrániť psíkov antiparazitárnymi obojkami alebo spot-onmi.

So let’s get started today! 오늘의 영어 표현은: have a soft spot for somebody/something 입니다. No matter who you are you have a soft spot for someone or something. 2021. 1.